Numerous F.I.T.S. Inquiries...Email Report...All Sky Camera Captures...Confirm Bright, Green Colored Fireball Seen From Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado 08:53:53 UTC (02:53:53 MDT) 08JUL2011.
ADDITIONAL WITNESS REPORTS NEEDED !!...If you saw this event, please post details including time, date, location, Direction you were facing, direction object traveled (upper left to lower right etc. is OK), duration in seconds, color, any fragmentation or sounds (e.g. booms, hisses, sizzles etc.) to and THANK YOU!
E-Mail From:
Anonymous Post AZ-NM State Line:At about 1:30 to 2:00 a.m. Arizona time I saw a fireball in the sky. It went north across the I40 approximately 10 miles from the New Mexico border. When I stopped at the border welcome center I observed a bright object in the southern sky that looked as if it was moving from side to side. Thought it was strange. I have video of the second incident, but it is hard to see.
Wendye McGehee-Trinidad, CO.
Hello Elp Allsky.
Was out stargazing two mornings ago, between 3:00 and 4:00 am in the morning, sitting on the back porch facing due north. Saw the whole sky suddenly light up this bright blue green that cast moving shadows across the ground. At first I thought a firework of some kind, but thought it odd that I heard absolutely no sound at all, no boom, no bang, no sizzle, no sound at all. It was eerily silent actually. And when I looked up, I saw the thing streaking across the sky from behind me to the south and slightly off to my right. It appeared to be heading due north, and the tail was still behind the house when I saw it break up into about three or four chunks, I would say approximately somewhere around Aguilar or Walsenburg, CO, but perhaps as far north as Pueblo or Colo. Springs. The streak lasted about 3 or 4 seconds, then about 30 seconds after I saw it break up, I heard a distant boom. Have heard nothing else about it, until now, as I went searching for other sightings of the event on Google. This is the third time in my life that I've had a sighting, all in this same area, but this was absolutely the most beautiful & exciting, and the closest too, it appeared to come in pretty low. Wish someone had been there with me to share the experience! ![:) happy]()
Sincere thanks,
From The "Chatbox":
F.I.T.S. Inquiries:
Cheyenne, Wyoming arrived from on "elp allsky: BREAKING NEWS...Major Colorado/South Dakota Green Meteor Fireball Reported By ELPALLSKY Readers 5:50 PM MST 22FEB2011" by searching for green fireball over colorado.
18:38:33 -- 3 hours 12 mins ago
Tempe, Arizona arrived from on "elp allsky: Meteor News...California Fireball NOV13, 2010 9pm CST" by searching for arizona green meteorite orange tail 2010.
17:11:37 -- 4 hours 40 mins ago
Albuquerque, New Mexico arrived from on "elp allsky: Jun 8, 2011" by searching for A bright light passing over like a shooting star on 6/8/11.
13:03:28 -- 8 hours 48 mins ago
Albuquerque, New Mexico arrived from on "elp allsky: Possible New Mexico Green Meteor Fireball 30APR2011..." by searching for green asteroid in new mexico.
12:18:01 -- 9 hours 34 mins ago
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image above-video below from New Mexico Tech Sandia Sentinel Fireball Camera-Socorro, NM-courtesy and (c) 2011 New Mexico State University |
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image above and video below from Sandia Nat'l Laboratories-Sandia Sentinel Fireball Camera-Albuquerque, NM-courtesy and (c) 2011 New Mexico State University |
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image above and video below (c) 2011 ELPALLSKY |