Possible Alabama Meteor/Fireball 16Jan2011...
Internet inquiries to ELPALLSKY indicate a possible bright meteor event over northern Alabama on Jan 16, 2011
Tuscaloosa, Alabama arrived from google.com on "elp allsky" meteor over huntsville today.
Florence, Alabama arrived from google.com on "elp allsky" meteor january 16th 2011
Jan 16 2011, 7:59 PM Guest776 (guest): 1/16/2011 6:12 pm I saw a large fireball while traveling North I 65 North in Montgomery Al. color white and blue with orange fireball arount center it last about 6 to eight seconds and went north and looked like it exploded. My husband and I thought some kind of aircraft exploded. It looked huge I thought I would see some sort of explosion went it hit earth but we did not. just plain weird.
Madison, Alabama arrived from google.com on "elp allsky: january 16, 2011 meteor.
Birmingham, Alabama arrived from google.com on "elp allsky" meteor alabama.
Atlanta, Georgia arrived from google.com on "elp allsky" january 16 meteor
Anonymous Says:
I can confirm the same, from Birmingham Alabama. Green fireball that never extinguished and disappeared over the mountain...probably landed somewhere between Coleman and Huntsville?
Report Meteor/Fireball
8:37:00 PM
7:05:00 PM
Raliegh NC...Meteor/Fireball Report 16Jan2011
Around 3am EST. Seen westward ~45deg up, moving S to N lasted nearly 5 sec and very slow, maybe traveling 1/4 of sky. Thot was a plane at first (just a ball) but was quite a bit too fast. Don't recall much of a tail, but flared into several pieces at end and dissipated.
Around 3am EST.
2:53:00 AM
Traffic to this site indicates a meteor event may have occured over L.A CAL 15JAN2011
Los Angeles, California arrived from google.com on "elp allsky" something falling down from the sky 1-15-2011 around 10:00PM in fire in buena park ca
Stockton, California arrived from google.com on "elp allsky" slow moving object that appeared to be on fire northwest of Stockton, CA January 15, 2011. Jan 17 2011, 7:37 PM
Guest245 (guest): My daughter Jessica G.***Readers...If you saw this event please click comments below or go to my chat window to leave details. Thank you!***
Los Angeles Meteor Jan 15 2011
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