...UPDATE 29JUL2011...Finnish Meteor Physicist Calculates Orbit, Trajectory, and Potential Impact Site For Event Below...
By: ELPALLSKY...Finland based Astronomer and meteor physics expert Esko Lyytinen has plotted a single camera capture solution of the widely seen North Texas fireball of 25JUL2011 at the request of ELPALLSKY. Lyytinen warns that the data is SUBJECTIVE in that it is based upon an assumed beginning height, and that upper level winds were not factored into dark flight calculations (continuation of flight after illumination ends). THE GRAPHICS BELOW DEPICT A ROUGH ESTIMATE!
Esko Lyytinen:
"This arrived from direction 134 or 135 with the slope of 28 degrees.
IF assumed to have the beginning height to be 80 km, then the entry velocity would be 17.7 km/s. The corresponding end height is at 28 km. The end velocity is about 4 km/s. This (with the deceleration derived) would correspond the end mass of about 0.5 to 1 kg. But this is highly sensitive to what the real "height scale" is. I have not tried to calculate the dark flight wind effects, but without this, the rough landing area with the above solution is 33.92 N, 99.36 W. The flight was at a distance of roughly 140 kilometers (or a little more) from the Hawley camera."
IF assumed to have the beginning height to be 80 km, then the entry velocity would be 17.7 km/s. The corresponding end height is at 28 km. The end velocity is about 4 km/s. This (with the deceleration derived) would correspond the end mass of about 0.5 to 1 kg. But this is highly sensitive to what the real "height scale" is. I have not tried to calculate the dark flight wind effects, but without this, the rough landing area with the above solution is 33.92 N, 99.36 W. The flight was at a distance of roughly 140 kilometers (or a little more) from the Hawley camera."
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click images to enlarge |
click on dates for individual reports published by ELPALLSKY
***UPDATE !!! Fragmenting Fireball Northwest TX / Western Oklahoma Captured By Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel Allsky Fireball Cameras at 9:20:59 P.M. CDT 25JUL2011 (02:20:59 UTC 26JUL2011)***
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image above and movie below courtesy & (c) Kevin Palivec-Hawley, TX-center of image looks N toward Oklahoma City, OK |
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image above and movie below courtesy & (c) 2011 Kevin Palivec-Hawley, TX Station-Sandia Sentinel Fireball Network-in image, North is up and East is left |
This Latest Event Occurred At ~9:20 P.M. CDT 25JUL2011 Reported To ELPALLSKY In The Following E-Mails...
Ken R.-Highland Village, TX:I just witnessed a really bright - and apparently VERY CLOSE – fireball in the North Texas sky at approx 9:20pm. I was facing west northwest when I saw it; it appeared to hit the ground just a few blocks from me (yes, it WAS that close). The fireball/meteorite(?) was a very bright orange’ish-red, with a yellowish-orange trail; fragments of it were breaking off while it fell to the ground. I’ve not seen anything like this before, so I began searching the web immediately to see if anyone else had seen the same fireball in my area (Highland Village, TX ~ just north of FM407 on the Highland Village/Flower Mound border, just west of Sellmeyer Blvd). Very cool!!
Geri H.-South Fort Worth TX:
Large fireball NW sky seen from backyard looking above the house about 9:30 pm. Fell at a 10 degree angle from left to right. Glowing white with a red tail.
Patti M.-Dallas, TX:
I was sitting outside by the pool talking on my cell phone. At about 9:15 pm CST I saw a fireball arc through the sky, fall rapidly and burnout.
Margo D.-Midwest City, OK:
I was on my computer late tonight searching to see if I could find anyone who saw a large green perfectly round object falling from the sky as I was looking southwesterly and I came upon your website. I live in Midwest City, OK. I could see glowing near the left/top side of it. It disappeared behind some trees near my home. At first, I thought it was a falling star but it was much too large and it was glowing green. I expected to hear a loud boom and to see the sky light up when it hit the Earth but there was nothing. I watched the news tonight at 10PM hoping to hear something but there was nothing reported. I have never seen anything like this in my life and I am 65 years old. I was sitting outback in our swing, talking on the phone when I saw this object. I am hoping someone somewhere saw this or something similar.
Margie S.-Spring, TX:
We were south of Spring, Texas on I-45 North at dusk when we saw this meteor. It was visible for 3-4 seconds, long enough for us to discuss it, then disappeared - presumably burnt out. The direction seemed to be heading due north. I imagine it confused a lot of people who may have thought it was an aircraft, even though it was travelling quite fast. Pretty cool. Third one I’ve seen – the other two were on I-10 at night years ago.
LK.-Near Kerville, TX:
On Monday July 25, 2011 at dusk, while seated on my front porch facing north, I saw a brilliant light speed from a point about 45 degrees above the horizon in the north and drop to the northwest at about a 30 degree (or greater) angle to the horizon. It moved fast and didn't seem to decrease in intensity as it dropped to the horizon. It was about 1/4 in diameter relative to its length, bright blue with a yellow edge all around it. I have never before seen anything as unusual. I looked at a clock about 9:20 pm, CDT, and estimate I saw it about 9:16 pm. It was a night where the stars could be seen with no moon light.
I saw it from Kerr County, Texas about 7 miles west of downtown Kerrville and 1 mile south of Interstate 10.
Priscilla M.-Dallas, TX:
I was driving down 635 West, around 9:30 or 10pm. I was driving past the intersection of 75 and 635 when I saw a bright green fireball fall from the sky at a very steep angle!!
I was driving so couldn't see where it landed but I was curious to find out what it could be! Any information on what it could've been would be great! Thanks,
Sorry, I was excited and forgot to state location fireball was headed!!I was in Dallas, on 635 West and the fireball was headed North from where I was!
It darted across, right in front of me!
From The "Chatbox":
***If you are searching for information about this fireball and witnessed it, please leave a report of what you saw at wxtx01@gmail.com Please include the date and time, the direction you were facing/driving, the direction in which the object moved (upper left to lower right etc.) approximate size and brightness compared to a full moon, color, any flashes, streaks, fragmentation and any sounds or delayed sounds such as sonic booms, hisses, sizzles etc. Thank you! Your information is vital to research/recovery efforts so please take time to report.***